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Online Typing Tutor and Test

for Hindi Mangal Remington Gail, Kruti Dev, Tamil Bamini, Inscript, Marathi, Punjabi Raavi & English

Web App Tutor & Exam without download :-


Web Application Tutor + Typing Exam Practice: -


typing tutor online test

Note :- When running typing tutor software or online please make sure you have selected “ENG” Keyboard. Please refer the image left

The above online typing tutor and typing test is for learners, Intermediates and Advanced users. This typing tutor train's users on Hindi, Punjabi and English. In Hindi version it supports Mangal Remington Gail, KrutiDev. In Punjabi Font its supports Raavi and Asees.

Each language has three sub options.

  • Tutor ( Learning keys Placements)
  • Practice Test ( Checking Typing Speed & Typing Errors for Test)
  • Statistics ( Check performance of Learner)

In Tutor option it has thirteen lessons. Each lesson has three options Character, Word and Paragraph.

  1. Character :- Preference is given to characters. Learn finger placement on keyboard and learn key placements.
  2. Word: Similar as to character option but preference given to word.
  3. Paragraph: No help is provided in this option but keyboard is provided in this option

After completion of each section gross typing speed in wpm , net typing speed in wpm and accuracy percentage in calculated. All sections has two categories Fixed and Random. Fixed lesson as name implies always remains fixed. The order in characters , words or paragraph remain same. In Random lesson every time the order changes means every time you will get new order.

Using this App user can learn typing and as well as takes typing test. In tutor section its has 3 main lessons. First lesson covers character learning, second lesson word formation and third paragraph typing. Each 3 lessons have 26 sub lessons that means total lessons to be practiced 3 * 26 = 78 lessons to practice upon. There are Fixed and Random lessons to learn upon. Fixed Lesson content always remain fixed but random changes ever time.

Typing Test have dummy lessons to test upon. Before starting typing test one can set time from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. After completion of test one can check its words per minutes (WPM) speed, Gross Speed, Number of correct words typed, Wrong words types, extra words typed, omitted words, accuracy percentage. One check its detail report on word by word marking.

online typing tutor tutorial

Features and Usage of Online Typing Tutor Tutor

Supported for Hindi Mangal Remington GAIL, Punjabi Raavi and English with QWERTY Keyboard

Features and Usage of Online Typing Tutor

Online Typing Tutor Tutor and Typing Test Application which requires internet connection to accessed can be used from multiple computers. Online Typing Tutor comes with Typing Tutor and Typing Test combined with all languages with single account. It also track and saves user performance for further assessment. It is easy to run and as no installation is required in running the tutorial. For more details regarding validity and functionality please click Free Online Typing Tutor Tutor & Typing Test.

Typing Guru Online is designed to help beginners and Intermediates easily learn Typing. It makes typing learning easy and productive. Typing Guru Web Application currently supports 3 languages Hindi, Punjabi & English. The Hindi version supports Mangal Unicode Font with Remington Gail Keyboard Layout. The Punjabi Version supports Raavi and English version supports QWERTY Keyboard.

Each language has three sub options.

  1. Tutor ( Learning keys Placements)
  2. Practice Test ( Checking Typing Speed & Typing Errors for Test)
  3. Statistics ( Check performance of Learner)

In Tutor option it has thirteen lessons. Each lesson has three options Character, Word and Paragraph.

  1. Character :- Preference is given to characters. Learn finger placement on keyboard and learn key placements.
  2. Word: Similar as to character option but preference given to word.
  3. Paragraph: No help is provided in this option but keyboard is provided in this option

After completion of each section gross typing speed in wpm , net typing speed in wpm and accuracy percentage in calculated. All sections has two categories Fixed and Random. Fixed lesson as name implies always remains fixed. The order in characters , words or paragraph remain same. In Random lesson every time the order changes means every time you will get new order.

Online Typing Test

Practice Test A big paragraph is given and time can be set between 5 minutes to 30 Minutes. In help is provided in typing. It is like Typing Test dummy. The test will end if time is over or paragraph ends. At the end it will calculate Gross Speed in WPM, Net Speed WPM, Accuracy, Corrected Words, Wrong Words, Extra Words Typed and Leftover Words.

Statistics: This section provide the performance of user for each language. It provides each lesson performance as well as whole language performance. Charts are used to measure Gross , Net Speed and Accuracy Percentage.

Usage of Online Typing Tutor Tutor :-

For running online typing tutor click the link and after the link is clicked one can see languages and fonts supported by typing tutor as show in the image below :-

online typing tutor

As shown in image above one can see supported languages and fonts by online typing tutor .

  1. Hindi Mangal Font with Remington Gail
  2. Hindi KrutiDev Font
  3. Punjabi Raavi Font
  4. Punjabi Asees Font
  5. English QWERTY

On clicking the required font one will see 3 options as shown in image below :-

  1. Tutor ( for typing tutor)
  2. Exam Practice (for typing test)
  3. Statistics (for performance)
hindi typing tutor online

After clicking on "Tutor" option one can see the image as shown below:-

online typing tutor English

There are 4 heading in above structure, Lesson#, Character, Word and Paragraph. As we can see each Lesson has 2-2 buttons fixed and random.When user clicks fixed button, typing tutor runs with fixed series means when running lesson always remain same but if the user runs the typing tutor with random button typing series always changes. User can change time with option placed on right top side for typing tutor lessons from 5 minutes or 10 minutes

Lets click on first lesson Fixed button under word heading. After clicking user will see as shown in image below:-

online typing tutor tutorial

Reference to above image. See first arrow blue color "a" button, then keyboard will highlight "a" and accordingly finger will be highlight. Next character will only be highlight if correct key is pressed. While typing user can check words per minute (wpm) and character per minute (cpm) speed. Grade and best wpm is given after completing the lesson.

Performance and Result:-

After completion of typing tutor lesson result is displayed as show as below:-

online typing tutor result

Result is base on 1 word = 5 key strokes. It calculate gross strokes, net strokes, gross speed (WPM), net speed(dph), net speed (wpm) and accuracy.

Online Typing Tutor Performance

After completion of each lesson it saves user performance data for further assessment. It helps user to check is its performance on the right track.

For Running Online Typing Tutor

For checking performance click statistics option as seen on the image below

check typing performance

On top Average Gross WPM (words per minutes) is calculated for selected language font for online typing tutor. Another information shown in Total Minutes Used per language font. Average Net WPM (words per minutes) and average Accuracy is also calculated as show in image as below.

check typing tutor result

Chart and Bar graphs are used for each lesson in particular font to check Average gross word per minute, Average net word per minute and Average accuracy percentage. Refer image below for more detail.

typing tutor chart

Detail Report regarding each gross word per minute, net gross word per minute, accuracy, time used, data and time of test.

typing tutor result report

Online Typing Test Features and Usage

Free Online Typing Test currently supports 3 languages for Typing Test mainly used in India.
  1. Hindi
  2. Punjabi
  3. English

In Hindi language typing test can be taken in Hindi Mangal Remington Gail & KrutiDev font. In Punjabi language typing test can be given in Raavi and Asees font.

Usage :-

After clicking on the required language font we will see sub categories as shown in image below:-

For running online typing test clink on link. After clicking the link you will see typing test with different languages and different fonts supported.

online typing test
  1. Tutor ( Online Typing Tutor)
  2. Exam Practice ( Online Typing Test)
  3. Statics ( Performance)

For typing test click “Exam Practice” option. On clicking you will see as image below :-

typing tutor test

A table will appear with heading like Id, Desc, Lesson Data, Time (mins). Lesson data shows previews of lessons. Time (mins) show list box from which can select time 5 minutes to 30 minutes for setting time for lesson. For running Typing Test click “Run” button. After clicking Run you will see as shown in image below:-

cpct online typing test

In above image you will see paragraph in top and below the paragraph and empty box to type matter. On the right side of image you can see speedometer which will show wpm (words per minute ) speed. Below that speedometer you can see Time remaining for completion of typing test. As per image you can check DPH (depression per hour), number of right and wrong (mistakes) typed. User can increase or decrease font size of paragraph as per convenience. Other options like pause time if ideal for 5 sec, disable word highlight and block back space can be used. Last option is direction in which user can swap paragraph from top to bottom, left to right and vice versa.

After completion of paragraph typed or if time is over then performance result is show as in image below :-

online typing test result

As show in image above we can see name of person typing test, date time test is performed, test language name, test duration, time taken to complete the test. Gross characters typed, Net character (right characters typed), extra space if any, error characters typed, gross speed and accuracy percentage.